What is Septoplasty?

What is Septoplasty?

What is Septoplasty?

What is Septoplasty?

If you’ve heard your friends talk about undergoing septoplasty, you may be wondering what septoplasty is. Septoplasty is done to straighten one’s crooked septum and allow for the easier passage of air through the nostrils.

This form of septum reconstruction in Los Angeles should not be confused with rhinoplasty, which is surgery to the nose done for cosmetic purposes. Septoplasty is done for medical purposes when someone is experiencing chronic nasal congestion.

While it’s normal to experience stuffiness every so often, someone with a deviated septum will almost always experience a blockage in one of both nasal passages. This is due to the septum being off-center and blocking the airway. Someone with a deviated septum may also notice a curvature to the septum in either a C or S shape.

It’s also possible for someone to have a crooked septum and to not notice at all. In fact, the majority of people in America have a septum that is deviated or off-center; however, most people who do not experience these uncomfortable symptoms never have to undergo septoplasty surgery.

If you suspect that you have a deviated septum, you can try visiting your local sinus doctor in Los Angeles, who can give you a professional opinion. If they determine that you have an off-center septum, then your best bet is to undergo a septoplasty procedure in their office.

This is similar to a cosmetic nose job in which you’re put under general anesthesia while your doctor makes an incision under your septum, inside your nostrils, or both. After gaining access to your inner cartilage and bone, they can then trim, reposition, and even replace the damaged parts.

When you wake up, swelling and bruising are natural, but as you go through the recovery process, you will find that breathing has become much easier. Septoplasty is a common medical procedure to correct a deviated septum that obstructs your breathing. For this reason, it’s often covered by insurance.

Our ENT specialists can meet with you during your initial consultation to figure out the fastest and most cost-effective way to fix your deviated septum. Call 310-317-7012 now to experience nasal congestion relief!
