Los Angeles Sinus Surgery

Los Angeles Sinus Surgery2021-07-20T08:26:49+00:00

Get Help From a Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is a surgery that is performed in the office or operating room. This procedure is performed through the nose using tiny cameras to open the sinuses and allow them to drain and ventilate better, and to allow medications to reach the sinuses to address chronic infections in the sinuses.

Chronic sinus inflammation is generally caused by a combination of allergies, infections, narrow sinus openings, and polyps blocking the sinus openings. When symptoms of chronic sinusitis lasts more than 12 weeks or occur 3 or more times per year, endoscopic sinus surgery or more commonly, in-office balloon sinuplasty are considered to resolve these issues. Endoscopic sinus surgery is reserved over balloon sinuplasty in cases of fungal sinus disease or extensive sinus and nasal polyps.

Typical Symptoms of Sinusitis Include:

  • Chronic sinus and facial pressure
  • Recurrent sinus infections
    • Fungal sinus disease
    • Sinus and nasal polyps
  • Multiple courses of antibiotics
  • No significant response to nasal sprays and allergy medications
  • Chronic cough
  • Chronic post-nasal drainage
  • Dizziness/imbalance related to sinus pressure
  • Ear congestion
  • Tooth pain related to sinus pressure
  • Chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis due to postnasal drip
  • Additional issues addressed with endoscopic sinus surgery can include nausea, bad breath, and exhaustion/lack of energy

Expected Benefits of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Include:

  • Relief from sinus pressure and pain
  • Significant reduction in the number of sinus infections
  • Reduction in medical bills by diminishing the need for future prescriptions and office visits
  • Lasting and ongoing relief from sinusitis
  • Improving breathing through the nose
  • Significantly improved quality of life
  • Increased exercise tolerance and less disruption in daily activities

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery has evolved over the years into a minimally invasive and safe procedure with rapid recovery. Nasal packing is rarely performed and patients are able to breathe well the same day of surgery. Typically after a few days of pressure and temporary congestion, regular activity can be resumed. After one week, patients are usually noticing improved breathing, energy, exercise, and quality of life.

Contact Us For the Help You Need
If you are in need of sinus surgery in Culver City, then it is in your best interest to contact a sinus doctor in Culver City as soon as possible. We can help cure your issues and help you breathe easier. Let us know what you need and we will give you a quick, painless, and effective healing procedure. Sinus surgery is almost always a quick and painless outpatient procedure. Patients will arrive for surgery, receive the treatment, and leave on the same day. Most patients will not suffer from any complications following their procedure.

The purpose of sinus surgery is to open and clear the pathways of your sinuses. This will eliminate any blockages that may exist. The point is to cure the issues of people who may be suffering from an ongoing and recurrent sinus infection. This type of surgery is designed to help those who suffer with abnormal or deformed sinus structure.

When it comes to you receiving the very best sinus relief in Culver City, we are here to meet your needs. We understand that each patient is different and that a generic “one size fits all” solution never works. We fully customize our course of treatment to match your specific requirements. Our goal is to give you state of the art sinus relief in Culver City at a price that you can easily afford. Contact us today for an initial examination and diagnosis. We will get you the treatment you need given by a qualified and experienced sinus doctor in Culver City. The procedure is simple and the recovery period is short. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our specialized treatment for Culver City sinus relief.