Empty Nose Syndrome

Empty Nose Syndrome

Nasal deformities can produce both significant aesthetic and health issues for those stricken with such maladies. Some people undergo procedures to correct said ailments. Unfortunately, however, these corrective procedures might precipitate a condition known as empty nose syndrome. Westside Sinus, a medical practice devoted to providing chronic nasal congestion relief in Culver City and other southern California points, invites current and prospective patients to read the following brief blog regarding this ailment.

Empty Nose Syndrome Overview
Empty nose syndrome typically occurs in individuals who have previously undergone surgical intervention to correct nasal deformities like a deviated septum or nasal turbinate hypertrophy. These conditions might be precipitated by causes like nasal trauma, the infiltration of microbes or allergens or genetic flaws. In certain subjects, nasal deformities grow so pronounced that discernible and untoward aesthetic or medical side effects develop that surgery is needed to remediate.

Neither doctors nor medical researchers can pinpoint why only certain recipients of such procedures are stricken with empty nose syndrome. That said, these same healthcare professionals suggest the condition might be elicited by alterations to the nose’s, airflow and damage to the structure’s temperature and pressure receptors, which are sometimes altered during nasal surgeries.

Associated Manifestations
Empty nose syndrome could precipitate a host of alarming symptoms impacting several bodily regions including:

Nasal Cavity

  • Nose bleeds
  • Diminished sense of smell
  • Reduced airflow
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Nosebleeds
  • Dryness throughout the breathing passages
  • Nasal pain
  • Post-nasal drip precipitating a chronic cough

Cardiovascular System

  • Increased pulse rate
  • Palpitations

Generalized Symptoms

  • The feeling one is drowning
  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

Many facets of the medical community do not yet recognize this malady as a clinical illness. Therefore, diagnosis can be tedious and time-consuming. As of the present, no specific diagnostic tests exist that can confirm a positive diagnosis. That said, conclusions might be drawn following the administration of imaging scans to an individual’s nasal cavity and measuring said person’s nasal airflow.

Potential Treatment Options

Nasal Congestion Relief Without Surgery
In uncomplicated cases, relatively simple, self-remediation practices like keeping the nasal cavity moist, preventing bacterial accumulation inside the nasal passages and the use of a humidifier might provide some relief. However, in patients with more severer cases, surgical intervention might be indicated.

Vivaer Nasal Airway Remodeling In Culver City
This surgery is performed to reshape diseased tissue or obstructed airways. Typically, patients are first administered a local anesthetic. The procedure is executed using a modern piece of technology called a stylus, which emits radio frequency to offending nasal components, which ultimately amends the shape of said structures. The end result is intended to improve airflow. Many patients who have undergone the procedure opine that previous empty nose syndrome manifestations improved or, in some cases, disappeared.

Contacting Us
Individuals who have undergone procedures to correct a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates who believe they might now be stricken with empty nose syndrome are encouraged to contact our offices. One of highly trained board certified physicians who provide sinus relief in Culver City and beyond can perform a thorough examination and determine a patient’s candidacy. Further information about our services can be found by visiting http://westsidesinus.com/.
