How Do You Test For Gluten Sensitivity?

How Do You Test For Gluten Sensitivity?

How Do You Test For Gluten Sensitivity?

Are You Suffering From Gluten Sensitivity? Here Are Some Tests You Can Do To Confirm Your Gluten Sensitivity Suspicion.

Recent research conducted by the Celiac Disease Foundation reveals that about one person in every 133 people has Celiac disease. This amounts to approximately 3 million Americans. What is shocking about these statistics is that only one person out of 4700 people with gluten sensitivity has been tested and has a confirmed diagnosis.

Gluten is a type of protein found in cereals like wheat, barley, and rye. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks the small intestines. Celiac disease is the primary cause of gluten sensitivity. However, this does not cancel out other causes of gluten sensitivity.

Signs and Symptoms.

For individuals with gluten sensitivity, persons often present with unexplained diarrhea or constipation, lethargy, abdominal pains, flatulence, and dramatic weight loss in severe cases. Gluten sensitivity tends to exacerbate arthritis, malnutrition disorders, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia.

Since scientists have not discovered a method to assess for gluten sensitivity with certainty, individuals presenting with the signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity often undergo food allergy testing in Los Angeles for Celiac disease.

These allergy testing in Los Angeles are broadly classified into hematological tests, tissue biopsy, genetic testing, and imaging techniques. These coupled with history taking, and clinical manifestations will most likely yield a definitive test for gluten sensitivity or intolerance.

Hematological tests.

Since the body’s defense mechanism reacts to gluten in its system, the immune system tends to produce antibodies found in the blood.

Blood Test.

When a patient visits a Los Angeles allergy doctor, they are placed on a gluten diet. Their blood sample is assessed for antibodies like IgA tissue transglutaminase, commonly referred to as tTG.

The tTG- IgA Screening Test.

This test is one of the most useful tests used in the allergy testing in Los Angeles for gluten sensitivity with Celiac Disease. Scientists state that the tTG-IgA test reveals about 98% of individuals with Celiac Disease and is on a gluten diet.

Additionally, the test can be used in confirmatory diagnosis for patients who are two years of age and below. Also, about 95% of the cases turn out as negative for people who do not have Celiac disease.

Imaging Techniques.

If Los Angeles allergy doctors suspect a case of gluten sensitivity, they may suggest endoscopy of the digestive tract to assess the severity of the disease. Additionally, doctors may recommend a tissue biopsy of the small intestines. Tissue biopsy is one of the most accurate confirmatory tests for food allergy testing in Los Angeles Celiac Disease, and doctors will use this to make a conclusive diagnosis.

Genetic Testing.

Since Celiac disease, in most cases, has a genetic component to its etiology, scientists have come up with a way of manipulating this, which forms the basis for genetic testing and allergy relief in Los Angeles. Scientists test for the human leukocyte antigen DQ8 and DQ2.

Home Testing.

The most recent invention allows for a gluten sensitivity test at home via the rapid testing kit. This kit works based on the antigen-antibody reaction. It screens for the tTG antibody, which is produced in response when one eats gluten.

This discovery is beneficial as individuals with gluten sensitivity can assess if they have unintentionally consumed gluten in their diet. Additionally, this provides for allergy relief in Los Angeles. Also if you are struggling with sinus problems, contact us for sinus relief in Los Angeles today!

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