Vivaer Is The Newest Non-Surgical Way To Improve Your Airways

Vivaer Is The Newest Non-Surgical Way To Improve Your Airways

Vivaer Is The Newest Non-Surgical Way To Improve Your Airways

Having difficulty breathing through your nose can drastically change your quality of life. Many people live with chronic nasal airway obstruction. This can make it challenging, if not impossible, to enjoy physical activity because of trouble breathing through the nose. Those who suffer from airway obstructions tend to have a few common symptoms including:

  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Stuffiness
  • Congestion
  • Snoring

Many people who suffer these symptoms are looking for nasal congestion relief without surgery. This turns most to home remedies that they find listed online. Unfortunately, these home remedies just don’t work in the long run. This can make you feel helpless as if nothing will solve your problem.

Nasal Airway Remodeling
Vivaer nasal airway remodeling in Los Angeles provides a surgery-free solution to your breathing problems. This chronic nasal congestion relief in Los Angeles treatment can be done in under 15 minutes and offer long-term results to patients. This technology utilizes radiofrequency energy to perform nasal airway remodeling. This is a process where the nasal tissue is gently reshaped so that you can breathe better.

How Does The Procedure Work
The nasal airway is built up of elastin and collagen fibers. Depending on the number of these fibers present, you can have more firmness or more elasticity. The idea behind RF energy is that it can be used to tighten the tissues of the nasal airway. This allows them to create a more contracted shape that enhances the airflow throughout the nasal passage. This procedure doesn’t cause any damage to the surrounding nasal tissue.

Vivaer nasal airway remodeling in Los Angeles has shown many promising results for patients who regularly experience symptoms associated with nasal airway restrictions. In fact, 94 percent of patients revealed that they could breathe better after this chronic nasal congestion relief in Los Angeles treatment. Even 72 percent of patients revealed that they no longer took nasal sprays.

When undergoing the procedure, you will first be given anesthesia to the area. This will eliminate any pain from the procedure being performed on the nasal tissues. The machine that produces the RF is a simple hand-held device that will be inserted into the nasal cavity. Each insertion will last for about 30 seconds.

Recovery Period
When undergoing nasal congestion relief without surgery you may think that there is no recovery period. While this procedure is performed fairly quickly, in under 15 minutes, you still will need to take some time for recovery. You may experience congestion for a few days following the procedure while the nasal tissues heal. However, the site shouldn’t be painful once the procedure is over.

Your physician will schedule you for a follow-up appointment. This should be scheduled within a couple of weeks of the procedure. This is to ensure that the nasal cavity is healing correctly and that you’re experiencing a better breathing quality. If you have any questions regarding this non-surgical procedure, it’s best to speak with your physician. Call us today for sinus relief in Los Angeles!
