What are Allergy Drops and How Do They Eliminate Allergies?

What are Allergy Drops and How Do They Eliminate Allergies?

What are Allergy Drops and How Do They Eliminate Allergies?

What are Allergy Drops and How Do They Eliminate Allergies?

Many Los Angelenos suffer from allergy-related symptoms throughout the year, especially in spring and fall. Most have tried a handful of channels for allergy relief in Los Angeles, but many do not work long-term or come with undesirable side effects.

Over-the-counter medications and allergy shots are no longer needed, as our allergy specialists now offer an innovative method of achieving clear sinuses and eliminating allergic reactions. While allergy medications simply treat the symptoms of your allergies, it’s much more effective to build immunity.

Allergen immunization can be done through allergy shots, but many Los Angelenos find this method undesirable due to its painful and time-consuming nature. People are staying home more than ever, and they don’t want to have to visit a sinus doctor in Los Angeles multiple times a week to have the shots administered by a professional.

Similar to allergy shots, allergy drops have the same effect. By exposing the user to a minuscule amount of an allergen, they slowly but surely build immunity so that the user suffers fewer attacks over time. Allergy immunization is the preferred method of allergy relief for those who suffer intolerance to common substances, such as grass, seafood, soy, nuts, and dairy.

If you frequently experience allergy symptoms or allergic reactions, then sublingual immunotherapy may be the right treatment plan for you. While allergy shots expose the user to the allergen through the bloodstream, allergy drops are administered under the tongue.

Simply hold the liquid under your tongue for a few seconds and then swallow. The concentration of the allergen is so small that patients will not suffer an allergic reaction, but the concentration is increased over time, becoming big enough to eventually make the patient immune.

Patients will no longer have to worry about the hair from their significant other’s cat, their runny nose and itchy eyes on their morning jog, or suffering an allergic reaction at a restaurant or party. Allergy drops make living life easier.

Allergies can control your life, and it’s time to take back control! Contact our allergy specialists to learn more about allergy drops for allergy immunization.
