What To Do In Case Of Enlarged Turbinates?

What To Do In Case Of Enlarged Turbinates?

Amedical condition known as an enlarged turbinate can precipitate significant nasal issues. Westside Sinus, which provides turbinate reduction surgery in Culver City, invites individuals who might potentially be stricken with this issue to read the following short blog discussing the ailment and how our practice might be able to treat said malady.

Nasal Turbinate
Also medically referred to as nasal conchae, the turbinates are elongated and narrow passageways that provide warmth and moisture for air that rushes through the nose. Most individuals either possess three or four turbinates. Typically, the nasal passages are comprised of a superior, inferior and middle turbinate.

Turbinate Hypertrophy
Sometimes, these structures become enlarged. When said event occurs, afflicted subjects could experience a host of untoward physical manifestations and discomfort.

Usually, enlargement is precipitated by ailments impacting the nasal passages such as the infiltration of allergens, dirt, dust and other pollutants and the invasion of microbes like viruses or bacteria that elicit common colds and other upper respiratory illnesses.

Should the hypertrophy become pronounced, stricken persons might experience symptoms that mimic upper respiratory ailments including pressure in the forehead, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, runny nose, diminished sense of smell, dry mouth. Manifestations can be acute, which means symptoms appear abruptly or chronic, meaning manifestations linger for various extended durations.

Potential Treatment Options
The specific therapeutic protocol a medical professional will choose to employ often depends upon the underlying cause and the condition’s severity. That said, common treatment options include:

Reduce Exposure To Allergens
As environmental toxins are a major contributing factor, limiting exposure to such substances could precipitate a decrease in turbinate hypertrophy or a return to normal size. Stricken individuals are strongly urged to limit contact with possible offenders such as mold, pet dander, dirt and dust as much as possible. This task might be accomplished by performing actions like removing mold from one’s home, vacuuming and dusting a home or work space on a regular basis, routinely changing heating and air conditioning filters and not smoking.

In certain individuals, particularly those with mild cases, ingestion of over-the-counter medications such as nasal decongestants and various allergy suppressants might provide temporary relief. That said, healthcare professionals caution against using these drugs repeatedly as said substances can become ineffective and might actually worsen the condition over time.

Sinus Surgery Turbinate Reduction
Nasal turbinate reduction in Culver City could be performed utilizing three different methods:

Partial Inferior Turbinectomy
Sometimes abbreviated as PIT, this procedure involves the extraction of soft tissue from the inferior turbinate.

Submucosal Diathermy
Also known simply as SMD, this form of surgical intervention involves the use of heat to shrink swollen tissue inside stricken turbinates. The procedure is performed using a surgical tool known as a diathermy needle.

Inferior Turbinate Bone Resection
Surgeons perform this endeavor, which is sometimes abbreviated as ITBR, by removing a section of bone inside the inferior turbinate.

Contacting Us
Individuals experiencing nasal distress who believe they might be a candidate for turbinate reduction surgery are encouraged to contact us. The professionals employed at Westside Sinus Relief in Culver City will perform a thorough physical examination, render a diagnosis and offer the most appropriate treatment options. Further information about our practice and the services we provide can be found by visiting www.westsidesinus.com.
